Tuesday 6 November 2012


Pride, how much pain and misery this concept have brought to so many people!!!! we are told to be proud, to have dignity, to be strong, to have pride, how much we lost??? how much people lost the person he/she loved because they were too proud???

when Anna told me she wants to break up, i had bought ring to propose to her, i had choose the place to do it, and what did i do??? nothing...i was thinking....hey i am man, i am not going to beg, i am not going to tell her, insted i should have said....marry me...i have a ring, lets fight this, lets see what is wrong...no, i said nothing....

i dont know if that would had made a difference, i dont know....i lost her...now a very expensive ring and box in the bottom of the sea...i couldnt look at it, and i couldnt give it to any other person....

why i didnt say nothing???maybe since a very early age, we are told, be strong, you are man, be proud, if she doesnt want you, its her lost...no, its not her lost, its our lost, we both lose, but most of us dont even see this...what i say here is not a situation were some one is abusing you, were some is treating bad, where some is cheating on you all the time, where there is no love, in this cases leave, run, kick this person from your life!!!! i am saying here is that some times because of minor things, we are to proud to look with your heart, and you forget that if you love some one, them you should fight for it!!!

we all make mistakes, we all have our flaws, but we should be more flexible, what is more important for you, one mistake or the person who you love??? i have a friend who is sperating from his wife because she had one night stand with one guy in a international conference, his wife told him, she told him it was a mistake, she was so sorry and she love him and she devasted by this, my friend who works for a consulting company, who works 12 hours a day every day, usual 6 times per week and flies usualy more 50 days per year to other countries, he is arldy home, how this mad working life help to this event??? did the decision he tookto the search, for material things to this?? in the end he decide to divorce her, i ask him, do you love her??? he told me, yes, but i have my pride, she cheated on me...that is just stupid...two person who love each going to be separeted, because of pride...learn to forgive...

i am not saying cheating is not bad, its super bad!!! but this two persons are going to end a relantionship of 20 years, two kids for a mistake, is this right??? should we forgive?? should we try to fight to improve why this thing happen???

i never cheated Anna, i could have, a few times, but i never did it, but i  fight enough for her??? i should have ask her not to go, to see if we could work out the stituation, that i want to marry her, that i want to have a kid with her...but i didnt, i was too proud...

and what this lead to??? i am alone, i lost the women of my life!!!!

i learn one lesson, we should learn to forgive, to listen to what you feel, to listen to your heart, what people say, what the "conventitions" said...its not important, we should listen to love, to the love that goes in your heart, be honest, be correct, be happy, be faithfull, be there for the ones you love, and strong, proud, all this things...is this better them love???

every one will have to make their on call, but i regret not open my heart and tell all the things that were in my heart, insted of trying to be tough and proud!!!!

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