Tuesday 24 January 2012

why a second chance!!!

why you should give a second chance to some one??? why should you consider a new give a new chance?? i don't just speak about my case, i use the words of a  famous doctor, he wrote a book about the fact that couples that decide to give themselves a second chance are more happy after coming back together!! why???

He said that if the thing that lead to the separation is solved, you become more close, you become better as a couple...i don't say this to try to make a case for me...no...i keep asking myself...why should i deserve a second chance, a true second chance...why??? why?? i am so different them all the people out there???

if you have a bad relationship with some one, that cheats, that doesnt treat you well, that keeps on promising and never do, and you break with hate...them maybe its hard to consider a second chance...

I am a new person know, i grow, i evolve, i learn, the person who Anna loved is here, the person which raise all the troubles is gone...he disappear, he was conquered by the life experience i endure, i learn what is to live with Anna love and without Anna love, and i think if i was close to death, the experience would not been so intense...so now i am new person...i am sure, if Anna meet me now for the first time, she would be going home smiling and thinking when i will see him next??? i know Anna, i learn about the values of life, i learn about the beauty of love, i learn the dark negative side of life, i tasty the bitter side of life, and i didnt let it get to me..it make me suffer..it made me going through pain, pain that i would not recommend even to the person i hate more in this world...and i survive...it made me question life...but it didnt make me bitter, it didnt make me afraid, it didnt turn me in a negative, in fact it made me realize that we can be happy, that we deserve to be happy...that we can make some one very happy, i now am the most perfect person for Anna, and yet..every day i feel more and more far away from this....

so if you are like me...or like Anna, why dont you give your former love a chance?...give him a chance....see did he is like he says he is...is she like you love??? what have you to lose? are you afraid that the past didnt chance? this is very easy to see...but you can have the best experience of your life...you can start the must beautifull journey of your life, are we a great couple or just being bad????  the best is take a weekend...go the two of you...go same where..a place new, not a place with memories, good or bad, a blank sheet of paper...stay in different hotels rooms...just see how it feels...see how happy you are...see in the end of the weekend...if you look back and smile...and if you had a good time!! if you do try...maybe that person is the key for your happiness!!!! if you have a bad time...you can close your eye in the end of your life without think...why i let the best thing of my life move away?????

If you lose someone..and realize what you lost, you learn treat this love..this person with so much care, with more dedication, with much more care, because you know the true value of it, you can measure what you lost, you stop taking things for granted, you stop thinking that you are having this love because you deserve it...you learn how fragile love is, you learn how important this person is for you, and you will dedicating the rest of your life making sure that you have a happy life with this person for ever!!!!

If i had a second chance, Anna would be so suprised...she would be amazed how much i improve..i said dont just take my word, i maybe be bias, take the word of my mother, of my father, of my brother, of my friends, that all say, how much i have chance in this last two years..and  all because of her love...she made me a better person...she can be proud of me...i would be a man that Anna can be proud, who will be there, you will be strong to support all the problems, that will never leave her...that will not play games...would love her, every day, that will be there as partner, a lover, a friend, that would be there for ever!!! we are from different countries...but my country...my home...my place in this world, is not the land that saw me born...its not the letter on my passport....is not th country i serve, my country..my land...my home..is Anna...the place i was born without Anna is just a piece of land...its beautifull, its great..but its not magic...its not wonderfull, for this i would need love, if you have love, any place is perfect...i life and work across the world...europe...asia...america...my place in the world is the place i have love...the place where Anna would be...i would be happy there!!!

 people say...when you get old you get home sick...you want to return to your place of birth...i died when Anna left me...if i we go back i will be reborn...my country is Anna, so i would never leave...can i promise all this??? can i truly promise all this??? i am not a kid of 18...i am man...i am true man!!! i have one word..i saw the two sides of life...and if you have doubts read this blog...from the start...no just one post...read it all...read..and see my journey...learn...and please learn from me...dont do the same mistakes as me...give yourself a chance of being happy!!! fight for your love...do it all, fight, fight to end, so you can live with no regrets...this is what i do...i live...so i dont regret nothing!!!!

I am walking this life alone now...i am trying to find happiness...maybe it be here soon...i hope so!!! i am going by a lot...but i am at peace with me...i can look myself in the mirror and say...i am living my way, i regret nothing, i live the the right way, the honest way, correct way, the true way!!! no games, no cheating...no lies...i am at peace with me!!!

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