Saturday 31 March 2012

hope vs reality

This is one of the biggest things in life, we hope, its hope that drives us forward, that makes us smile, that push us into big things, that drives us in being better people, them there is reality, the cruel face of life, and there is agap between what we hope and what we see in the cruel day to day reality!!!

I always consider, i always hope, if i could find a job in the same place of Anna, that if i was close to her, if she could see how i change, that we would go to the cinema, to listen to music, to run, to walk, i hope for this, i hope with all my heart, and yet, reality is a far different cry, we dont see each that much, i dont go to the cinema, to have lunch, dinner, life is very different from what i hope....

how do i deal with this difference??? this is the key for me, and for all of us, the difference of reality and hope, and what we do, do we quit, do we let reality take over??? and what is reality??? can we by hope, by effort, by love, by dedication, by faith change reality???? i trully believe so!!!! i dont quit, i will not stop, because i had a day that life to my expectations!! i will make a bigger effort on the next one, i will even take more care, its about not giving up!!! its about not stopping believing...its not easy, its much more easy to decide, i had enough, i am tired, i am not going no where...and give up!!! yes, its easier, but its better??? are you being truth to yourself??? we all say, i will do this...i will love you forever, i will make an effort, and yet, how many of us, at the first signs of trouble, at the first disappointment, give up??? how many of us real life to our words???

yes reality is cruel, there only facts, no emotional side, but we are all warriors, we are fighters, we are not suppose to give up...we should fight for what we believe, if you dont fight for love, if you dont fight for the must important person in your life, you will fight for what?????

my reality is not even close to what i hopped, and i am still fighting, its going 3 months i am here, and still fighting, i am still trying to get my reality close to what i hope, and every day i will fight for it, you can ask, when will i stop??? the answer is very simple, never, i will never stop, maybe i will die before i have the change to kiss Anna lips, before i can touch her again, before i can say to her..I love YOU!!! but i will never will stop hoping and fighting for what i want!!! for what i believe!!! 

I may be stupid, i maybe be crazy, but i will continue to fight for this love, i will continue to for ever, i hope so how i can show to others that we shouldnt stop, that we should fight for what we believe, that love is a worth thing to fight for, that love brings the best in you, that you should take advantage of every day to make reality into hope, and hope in reality!!!!!

life is a long journey, dont stop fighting for love!!! its the best thing that you can have in your life!!! I hope that my reality will be with Anna!!! for ever!!!

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