Monday 6 February 2012


Language??? what is this??? this was a reason for problems for me and Anna, we are from different countries, we both speak a similar language, but her child didnt, she spoke with her mother in their mother tonguer..and since she was small i talk to her in my my mother tongue, looks like a perfect picture, like the films, its not!!

as soon the child start to talk it become a barrier for us, all of us, if i was talking to Anna, she wouldnt understand and start asking what were we talking or doing naughty things to attract attention, when she was talking to Anna, i would miss what she said,.

I didnt learn her mother tongue, i didnt consider as necessary, big big mistake!!!! maybe this blog can safe one relationship out there, maybe this blog can help some guy or girl avoid losing the person they love!!! dont do stupid mistakes like me, if you dont speak the child language, dont wait for her to learn yours, go and learn, because if you dont, its more them just the barrier that it creates in the family dynamics, it robes you of the funny little things the child will say, it make you lose the little mistakes that kids say when they are learning to talk, it steals you have the joy of see a kid growing up, it makes you distant from some who should be a very important person for you!!!

learn the language its more them a show of love and respect, its a sign to the mother and the child, i am here, you can count with me, it helps bring the barriers between you and a child that looks at you and ask? who are you????? dont be stupid, go and learn, it will not be easy, but its very much rewarding!!!!

i am doing it now, i am taking why??? because i want one day to say to the child of Anna, in her language how much i care for her, and that she have a family, a "blood" family, a mother, a father but she also have some one who will be there for her, for ever, she have another family, my family, that she will always be like "daughter" to me, and if she need anything, day or night, she can count with me!!!!

language is the way you can express what you feel, its a bridge between persons, so never think that language is not important, its a very important thing, i found that the last time we where all together...i was talking with Anna child, and i was discovering this amazing little person, and she was discovering me also, we where playing together, its like open a new world!!!!

So please, dont even think twice, any thing that can be a cause for separation between you and the person you love, should never exist, go and learn, dont wait like me!!

learn and discover how amazing a child can be!!!

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