Wednesday 20 July 2011

The Start

You meet a girl, a women, she is still single, you are single, you have feelings for her, and yet you do nothing, you are afraid of loving, of getting hurt, of leaving, and you decide it’s better not to do anything.

You cry, you will try to exercise until the pain goes away, it’s not simple, love is there, then you decide, i will open my heart, i will tell everything i feel, them she no longer just in a relationship, now she is expecting a child, and i was told she is married, what can you do???? she bought a house!!! they have a stable relationship....a think what can i offer besides my love? i was in a job that would end in a few months, best in two years...them you have to ask yourself....can I break a marriage? a life of two people and a child? you know that you will leave the job in a year, you know all of this, and you do the coward thing, you give up, you think love is not enough, you quit!!!! you dont speak a dont even leave without even open your heart.

And you pretend, you pretend you are tough, that you are a man, that everything is fine, that you don’t feel anything, you start chasing all this other girls, you even let her know that you are chasing all this girls, you try to look like everything is so fine...that you are having a great time...but inside you are broken, you cannot sleep, you wake up at 3.00 and you cannot go back to sleep, so you go and run, at 3.00 in the the winter...and you run, run until you cannot even vomit, you fall, you destroy your calve muscles.....i would limp for weeks...i shaved my tell every one how great you are...all lies and them leave, you move city, you move country, and try to forget, try not to think about this magic person you have in your heart that you think day and night.

Them life gives you a chance, she moves in your town, you start hoping, you start to life again, them like by magic you meet, her she kisses you, she confess her love for you, if you are reading you think, this is to easy, this guy must be happy, this guy is lucky, this was the beginning, it’s not now, now the story is very different, now I am alone, now i am back to start, but much worse because now i know what is to have love, that you found the right person for you, and you lost this love.

This is way for me to express my feelings, to give a story about a life journey, about hope and despair, it’s about don’t listen to other, close your hears to friends and family and believe in what you heart says.

If you read the net, the magzines, the books, they all say the same if you have feelings for a girl, women who have a family, a child, the usual advice is...forget’s’s not going to work...i start writting this because that advice is crapp....I say listen to your heart, love is love, if you have love, dont give up!

Don’t do the same mistakes as me, love her and fight for love!!! i am fighting for her love, i will fight until i have no there is not hope but this time i will not give up.

This blog will be a story from the past until today...journey from sadness to happiness to despair, back to happiness to pain, and worse them everything to a limbo that is existing situation, If you are going in the same situation, be here, and tell me about your stories and you fight to get your love!!!

this is a sign, this is cry for a fight for what you believe, a process of hope and maybe of helling, i dont know where this will lead me...but i am on walking the road of life....

I do this blog like I life now, one day at the time! and i dont mind if no one reads it, i am doing this for me, a way to say all the things i cannot say in real life, so i can say them here its like tell your story to the wind...

if the english is bad i am sorry, its not my mother language!!! the feeling is true!

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