Tuesday 26 July 2011

Where do you live?

This is a more tricky issue that it may look, le me ask you, do you move to your love house, do you carry all your clothes, or not?

Why i ask this?? let me give my own example, i life with my love for a while, and yet i still had clothes at my family home, would still go there, i would still have a link to that house, it has nothing to do with love less my love, it’s a question of you have to cut the connections with your house, it’s about show the true committeemen of your love!!!

I never question this, there is nothing like a shock and feeling of despair to open your eyes, when you pass all your life under the microscope!!! you start to see the mistakes...you start to realize the how wrong you handle things!!!!

Put yourself in her place, why i hell this guy need to go and spend time with his family??? i wouldn’t do it now, i learn that besides love you need a lot more to have a good relationship with the women you love!!!

You need to show her you are not "playing" i was never playing!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!! but i was going home, the reasons are not clear for me, maybe it was unconscious, maybe keep that freedom idea, maybe was a way to feel that i was still young, yes, young, how stupid can you be???? i am not trying to hide, i am not going to give stupid lies to make myself look good!!!!

i am carry a large degree of responsibility in the faller of our relationship, it was not for cheating, i never cheat on my love, it was not for interest of another women, it wasn’t! it was not her child, it was a fact that maybe i was not ready, maybe it was too much, too fast, and i handle the situation bad, i should have been more mature, i should understand better my love need, i should have make her sure that my committeeman was with her!!! And she was my family now, she was my place of shelter, where she lives should be where i life!!! Final!!!

so if you are in relationship, for real, for the long run, don’t be afraid, don’t get a safety net, don’t keep a place that you can use as a escape area, no!!!! show to her, that you are in this together, you shouldn’t have your place and her  place, there should be one place only, your place, a place of both, where you can both call home, i see that sometimes when one part move with the other the place they life is not a joint effort is a house that was from one and now have two persons, give it a little personal touch, make it your place!!!

Be involved, buy the grocery, paint the walls, clean the kitchen, take care of the garden, bring plants, and show that you both are working to transform the space of one with a place of a family!!!! Share the bills, share the problems, you are now a unit, you are now couple, and don’t be afraid, you are not losing your freedom, you are not losing nothing, no, you are gaining!!!!

You are winning a person that will share your bad moments and good ones, you are moving from one dimension life to a life of colour and joy!!! a life at 3 or 4, or more depending how kids your love have, if someone ask me today, where do you life? i would say in pain!!! But I have hope that one day I can say with a big smile and a heart full of joy, where do you live??? With my LOVE and her CHILD!!!!!

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