Tuesday 9 August 2011


I always wanted kids, but i was not ready to have them, i remember that when i was younger i would joke i would like to have 6 kids!!! This because most of my friends had lots of brothers and sister, not like me, and their houses look always like it was a birthday!!!!

So from a early age i was always looking to have kids, and yet, many years later i still have none!! what happen??? what went wrong??? nothing and a lot!!!! I didn’t love no one so much i that wanted to have kid!!! This is until i meet my love!!!!!

It was the first time in my life i ask myself the question, should we have kids, but i get afraid, we were just starting a new relationship, my love child was young, it was the not the right time....the right time, will be any time that is perfect??? i regret this today, i don’t know if we having a child would have made a difference, i don’t know, i know that this was a real chance, and i let it go....this is one of things I regret more, sometimes it just eats me inside....

Today i regret this, today one of my biggest wish is to have a child, but having a child is not something you should take lightly, it’s a tremendous responsibility, its a huge thing, you should never bring a child to this world if you are not sure you can be a great parent!!! 

there is never a right time, there is always a risk, there is always fear, but a kid is joy, is love, its a celebration of your love, dont be afraid, dont wait for what you consider the right time, you have a women you love? are you truly in love?  them what is the question??? today i learn, if i could turn back time i would had a kid or two with Anna...dont be like me...trust your love!!!

I know my love would be a perfect mother, i know this, i see the results, i see her dedication, her love, she is the mother every child should have to be their mother. i know she would love to have another kid, but its not a thing to consider if you are not in stable relationship!!!! i want to be father, but i don’t want to be the husband of any women, i simply dont want to go long for a women just to have kid, it wouldnt be right or fair!!

i want my love to be the mother of my kids, i want to have a child with my love!!! i want to share the joy of parenthood with her, i want to kiss her belly, i want to tell stories to our unborn child, i want to pamper my love while she gets more pregnant i want to be there in the magic hour, i want to hold her hand, i want to hear our child cry to the first time, i sometimes get very emotional with this, I get a tear in my eye... i want to see our child grow..

I will not make the mistake i would have done a few years ago, which was, i would lead the life of this child, i would "arrange" the child to do the "right" sport, the "right" way, no, i learn my lesson, the role of being a father, a parent is to let your child grow, you should give them the chances to see what they like, and support their choice, not force a choice in them!!!! its about respect them. its about they take their own choices!!  this is one of the biggest challenges in being a parent, not try to life a second life in your child, not to try to impose things on them, let them be their own, today i am know, today i am ready to be a good father!!!

having a child is the ultimate love, it’s a something magic, deep bound between two persons, and i know, my love already had a child, not mine, i love that that child like it was mine, but its not, this doesnt change we can be all a family, thatwe can all be a happy family!!!

I hope, i pray that one day my love will have a child with me, what can I promise her? that love for her and the child will never stop, that they will be love like no one else in this world, that i would do everything to make us a great family, a true family, can there will be something more beautiful them this???? 

life is full of suprises, of choices, of challenges, of pain and joy, that is way its a long journey, i hope my journey will be getting soon to the area were love will fill my heart!!!!!

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