Saturday 13 August 2011

Social status and money

Today after my sport session, i was talking to a friend of mine, he works for a big multinational organisation, and he is based in Sweden, he took all his family with him, his wife, and his two kids! His wife use to teach in primary school, she didn’t made a lot of money, teacher salaries are bad everywhere, and because he was going for 5 years, she quit her job and went with him.

This is a totally accepted thing, a man moves his wife follows and quits her job, how it would be the opposite? His wife getting the job and he quits his job??? it not correct, why???? And this is one of the things we talk a lot today, in my friends company, he told me there is lot of women in high places where the husband quit their jobs and follow the wife’s, and no one cares, it’s a decision of each couple!!! 

We joke that we would mind not working, that we would have more time to our sport!!! On the way home i start to think how even today society places to much attention in social order and status!!! and how even if we say no, let this things control our lifes!! We are afraid what people my think, he is home??? he doesn’t have a job??? he is living at his wife’s expenses??? 

In fact there is difference, a huge difference living at your wife, husband expanses and quitting your job!!!! You can quit your job, and get another job, a new job, a new thing, you have a job, you have an activity, and you are not dependent on your wife or husband!!! Maybe there will a big salary and a smaller salary, but if you share a life, if you share a house, if you have a child, there is no my money and your money, there is our money!!! My grandparents are old, they are married for more than 50 years, and they have only one bank account, all their life’s they put the money in one common account, and my grandmother was in control of the account, they had the fixed expenses and them the day to day money, the money for holidays, and the little money for each of them to buy things for them.

They never fought about money, they never say...i am making more money them are spending too much grandfather told me, money is not important, a life project is, a sharing of a project, the construction of a common life, and they build this life together, money was just there to give them what they wanted, not big cars or houses, but a common life with love!!!

We give to much importance to things, cars, clothes, watches, phones, computers, and we forget what is important, in life, like love, like sharing a moment, like holding hands in park, embracing your love in a cold evening!!! This doesn’t cost any money....

you can have it all, big car, expensive house, all the material things you want and need, and you arrive to all of that and there is no one to share, there is no one in your life, you will get old, you will have no money problems, you will buy all the things you want, but you will be alone, you will never be happy....

I have lots of "toys" i spend a lot of money in "toys", i have things i don’t use, that when i was 18 i would never consider owning, but because of the how much it cost, but because they where no necessary!!! How much of us have two computers, or 3??? how many phones??? How much of us change phone every year??? How many clothes do we have that we don’t use?? And we keep buying more and more!! And we say, i don’t make enough money, but how much cost love???? Nothing!!! How much cost sharing a kiss with your love? Nothing!!! And yet we don’t value this!! We think i need a good job is more important, because i will make good money, my money!!!

How many of us have separated bank accounts of our loves??? a lot!!!! Why??? Because we are afraid, because it’s our money, and you think if i have a joint account she/he will take all my money!!! Why do we think like that??? don’t you love??? don’t you trust the person you love?? are you afraid?? this love is not forever?? One thing about good about find love later in life, losing it, and fight for it, is you learn what is real, what is important, and I hope, and I will work on this every day, if I go back to my love, we will never separate again!! never, my love for her is forever, I know this now, so I am not afraid!!

lately I arrived home to an empty house, there is no one to kiss me, there is no one for me to share my problems, there is no one to love, all the rest, the material things, don’t matter, you learn the real value of things, if you think that coming home to a big house, full of stuff, in a big car, with a huge bank account, but all alone is better, then you will never love, you don’t know what is the beauty of love, you don’t know what is to build a life at two, my grandparent in a very simple way show me this, i hope on day i can start a journey with my love, a journey that one day i can tell my love child and our child, that the more important value we have in ours life’s is not money, it’s not statues, is not things, it’s the love between two persons who love each other!!!

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